《瑞士》Headline News:瑞士HTMi創下英國Ulster University校外考試Ulster University學位多項最佳考試成績

Headline News恭喜!

瑞士HTMi創下英國Ulster University校外考試Ulster University學位



HTMi has a long tradition of top academic results at all levels from our students with the excellent support of our teaching and training team .
This semester  the level has gone from ‘excellent’ to ‘outstanding’ with a record number of first class honours 2.1 and 2.2 grades from our BSc University of Ulster Degree students.In the words of Prof Ingram, External Examiner for UU Degree at HTMi “best it’s ever been  at HTMI”. This lays the foundation for a memorable upcoming  graduation in December 2014 .  Congratulations to everyone.

HTMi 飯店大學擁有各級課程最高學術成績,證明HTMI提供最優秀師資及提供學生最佳支持,我們悠久傳統的教學和培訓團隊的頂尖學術成果。
瑞士HTMi創下英國Ulster University校外考試Ulster University學位多項最佳考試成績。恭喜大家。

Ian Larmour , Director HTMi September 2014


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