《瑞士》BSL洛桑商學院 MBA畢業生薪資排名是西歐國家中榮登Top 2 (第2高薪)!



BSL-Business School Lausanne 瑞士洛桑商業管理學院 


根據QS MBA Job & Salary 2015-2016年MBA畢業生薪水排名中, BSL瑞士洛桑商業管理學院MBA畢業生薪資是西歐國家中榮登排名Top 2 (第2高薪).

根據QS Global 200 MBA Rankings 2014/15: Europe 歐洲200大MBA排名Top 28 名.

BSL ranks No 2 in Western Europe in QS MBA Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2015-16.

The QS MBA Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2015-16, published in October, ranks Business School Lausanne #2 in Western Europe. Three Swiss business schools altogether top up this year’s regional salary ranking: University of St. Gallen ranks #1, Business School Lausanne #2, and IMD #3.


BSL ranks No 2 in Western Europe among the MBA schools producing highest-paid graduates! While we measure the value of the BSL learning experience mostly through the positive impact our students make in the world, we are happy to see that BSL MBA graduates are recognized by employers globally. See more here:http://www.bsl-lausanne.ch/…/bsl-ranks-no-2-in-western-eur…/
Ranking source:

QS MBA Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2015-16,

QS Global 200 MBA Rankings 2014/15: Europe




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