瑞士廚藝學院(CAAS) 宣布與Holy Cow! 美食漢堡公司


瑞士廚藝學院 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland (CAAS)高興地宣布與Holy Cow! 美食漢堡公司 (Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co.)簽署策略合作夥伴關係(strategic partnership),成功而創新的瑞士新鮮美食漢堡連鎖店。

這項激動人心的新合作關係將為瑞士廚藝學院 (CAAS)的學生提供廚藝商業管理計劃的碩士(M.A.)學位,使他們有機會從具有獨特概念的初創企業的現實洞察中受益。

自2009年在洛桑(Lausanne)成立以來,Holy Cow! 美食漢堡公司 (Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co.) 透過僅使用當地和新鮮食材在不到10分鐘的時間內為漢堡提供服務而建立了令人印象深刻的聲譽。 該品牌目前在瑞士擁有13個銷售據點,與當地專業人士合作以確保高品質的產品,並通過使用可再生能源、可生物降解的容器並致力於零廢物目標來保護環境。


瑞士廚藝學院 (CAAS) 副院長 Alain Muller

透過這樣的合作關係,Holy Cow! 美食漢堡公司 (Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co.)將分享其在食品企業家和商業創業課程中的旅程和經驗,並提供有關各種主題的投入,包括素食趨勢、數位化和加盟連鎖經營管理。 瑞士廚藝學院的學生將有機會前往Holy Cow! 美食漢堡公司 (Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co.)旗下的餐廳實地考察,且與瑞士製造的漢堡品牌合作開發新的創意和專案。

「我們很高興也很榮幸能夠與這一新的伙伴關係向前邁進。 十二年來,我們一直在挑戰瑞士“美食漢堡”的標準和定義。 今天,我們通過與明天的年輕而有抱負的人才分享我們的專業知識,在食品和飲料行業內努力創新和創造力。」

Holy Cow! 美食漢堡公司 總經理Adrian Stadelmann

碩士學生還將了解美食漢堡業務的理念,該理念以身作則,尤其是在保護環境方面,以身作則,挑戰市場,並不斷提高快餐行業的標準。 這支持了我們為達到綠色環保、永續性標準而做出的努力,並為我們的學生提供了可應用於未來職業的永續性最佳實踐。

作為瑞士領先的廚藝學院,瑞士廚藝學院 (CAAS)以其高品質和卓越的廚藝教育享譽國際。 與德比大學(University of Derby)合作頒發的廚藝管理碩士課程(M.A.)為學生提供了開展自己的飲食業務所需的創業技能。

透過其創新的課程和行業合作–就像與Holy Cow! 美食漢堡公司 的新夥伴關係一樣–學生獲得與解決問題,創造性思維、跨文化能力及協作以及情商(EQ)相關的管理技能。 他們還學習如何發展自己的飲食概念、建立食譜書籍以及提出可行的商業計劃。

關於 Holy Cow! 美食漢堡公司(Holy Cow Gourmet Burger Co. )

Holy Cow! 美食漢堡公司(Holy Cow Gourmet Burger Co. ) 是一個休閒餐飲及速食漢堡的概念,可滿足21世紀瑞士的需求。 目標是使用新鮮和當地食材,以快速有效率的方式生產美味的漢堡和沙拉,同時提供物超所值的服務。 我們非常重視客戶體驗,在溫馨友好的環境中創造可促進社交互動的就餐空間。 Holy Cow! 力求在瑞士本地購買盡可能多的內容,以生產出市場上最新鮮,最美味的漢堡,同時將碳足跡降至最低。 我們確保所有肉類產品均帶有“ Suisse Garantie瑞士認證”標籤,以表明其高品質和本地出身。

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland announces new partnership with Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co.

22 Mar 2021

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland is pleased to announce the signing of a strategic partnership with Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co., the successful and innovative Swiss fresh gourmet burger chain.

This exciting new collaboration will give Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Culinary Business Management program the opportunity to benefit from real-life insights from a start-up with a unique concept.

Since its launch in 2009 in Lausanne, Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co. has built an impressive reputation by serving burgers in less than 10 minutes, using only local and fresh ingredients. The brand, which now has 13 outlets across Switzerland, works with local artisans to ensure high-quality products, and preserves the environment by using renewable energy, biodegradable containers, and focusing on a zero-waste goal.

“This partnership definitely strengthens our students’ learning opportunities as they have the chance to link the theory acquired in the classroom to a tangible, real-life industry experience.”

Alain Muller, Assistant Dean at Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland.

Through this partnership, Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co. will share its company’s journey and experience in the Food Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up course, as well as provide input on various topics, including vegetarian trends, digitalization, and franchise business management. Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland students will have the opportunity to attend site visits to Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co. restaurants and develop new ideas and projects in collaboration with the Swiss-made burger brand.

“We are very pleased and honored to move forward with this new partnership. For more than 12 years, we have been challenging the standard and definition of the “gourmet burger” in Switzerland. Today we strive for innovation and creativity within the food and beverage industry by sharing our know-how with the young and ambitious talents of tomorrow.”

Adrian Stadelmann, General Manager at Holy Cow!

The master’s students will also gain an understanding of the gourmet burger business’s philosophy, which centers around leading by example – especially when it comes to preserving the environment –challenging the market, and continually raising standards within the fast-food industry. This supports our efforts to meet the Green Globe standards for sustainability and equipping our students with sustainable best practices they can apply to their future career.

As the leading culinary institute in Switzerland, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland is internationally renowned for its quality and excellence in culinary education. The Master of Arts in Culinary Management, awarded in partnership with the University of Derby, equips students with the entrepreneurial skills required to launch their own food business.

Through its innovative curriculum and industry collaborations – like this new partnership with Holy Cow! Gourmet Burger Co. – students acquire the relevant managerial skills related to problem-solving, creative thinking, cross-cultural competencies and collaborations, and emotional intelligence. They also learn how to develop their own food concepts, create recipe books, and present viable business plans.

About Holy Cow Gourmet Burger Co.

Holy Cow! is a casual dining and rapid gourmet burger concept to meet the demands of twenty-first century Switzerland. The goal is to produce gourmet burgers and salads, served FAST, using FRESH and LOCAL ingredients, while providing great value for money. We focus strongly on the client experience, creating dining spaces that promote social interaction in a warm and friendly environment. Holy Cow! seeks to buy as much of its content locally in Switzerland to produce the freshest, tastiest gourmet burgers on the market with a minimal carbon footprint. We ensure all our meat products have the « Suisse Garantie » label as a sign of high quality and local provenance.

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