(非常重要) 留學匈牙利學生請注意匈牙利政府規定

(非常重要) 留學匈牙利學生請注意匈牙利政府規定

匈牙利針對COVID-19 對各國入境匈牙利的資訊



  1. 匈牙利國民
  2. 歐盟國民和EEA成員國以及瑞士(不包括英國)的國民
  3. 上述人士的第三國家庭成員
  4. 此外,以互惠原則授予塞爾維亞國民-根據9/2020年外交和貿易部長法令(6月17日),
  5. 根據9/2020年外交和貿易部長法令(6月17日),烏克蘭國民最長不超過24小時且在邊界地區30公里以內,
  6. 專門來自韓國和日本:任何為商務目的旅行並且是在上述國家之一註冊的公司的高級會員或受僱於該國家,並與在上述國家註冊的公司進行關聯經營的任何外國公民。有關企業的定義在1996年關於公司稅和股息稅第4(23)條的LXXXI法中。該訪問的業務性質將在入境時推定。
  7. 不屬於上述類別的人員不允許進入匈牙利,但基於寬大處理申請獲得豁免的人員除外。幸運的是,如果申請人證明入境目的是:根據學生的身份履行學習或考試的義​​務,並且由教育機構證明,則警察當局應允許入境。





  1. 學生可以憑豁免進入匈牙利
  2. 我們幫助學生掌握所需的文件和行政公式
  3. 在隔離期間(14天),我們可以提供場所和全套服務,因此在正式的家庭隔離中或以後的任何時間,學生都將安全。

因此,所有的外國籍學生皆得以進入匈牙利,其學習不受疫情中斷, 以上~

Information on Hungarian entry requirements during the Covid-19 pandemic preparedness period


According to Government Decree 291/2020 (17 June) on travel restrictions during the pandemic preparedness period introduced by Government Decree 283/2020 (17 June 2020), the following persons are allowed to enter Hungary without restrictions:

  • Hungarian nationals,
  • EU nationals and nationals of EEA member states and Switzerland (excluding UK),
  • third country family members of the above mentioned persons,
  • furthermore, granted through reciprocity, nationals of Serbia – based on the Decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 9/2020 (17 June),
  • nationals of Ukraine for a maximum period of 24 hours and within 30 km of the border area – based on the Decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 9/2020 (17 June),
  • exclusively from South Korea and Japan: any foreign national traveling for business purposes and being a senior member of or employed by a company registered in one of the above mentioned countries and operating as a related undertaking with a company registered in the above mentioned countries. Related undertakings are defined in Act LXXXI of 1996 on Corporate Tax and Dividend Tax Art 4 (23). The business nature of the visit is to be presumed upon entry.


Persons not falling under the above categories are not allowed to enter Hungary, with the exception of those given an exemption based on a leniency application.  Fortunately, the police authority shall allow entry if the applicant proves that the purpose of entry is: fulfillment of an obligation to study or examine on the basis of a student status, if this is certified by the educational institution
Please note that

  1. an obligatory health check is carried out for all persons
  2. who are not suspected of having COVID-19 during the health inspection are placed in quarantine or official home quarantine for 14 days.

The important take-home message if your country may fall into “not allowed to enter Hungary”

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

(非常重要) 留學瑞士學生請注意瑞士政府針對COVID-19規定

(非常重要) 留學瑞士學生請注意瑞士政府針對COVID-19規定

瑞士針對COVID-19 對各國入境瑞士及國內交通的資訊

相關資訊出處: https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-79711.html


  1. 7月6日星期一起在全國強制實施公共交通上年齡在12歲以上的人必須在火車,電車和公共汽車上以及在山地鐵路和索道以及在湖和河船上戴口罩。


  2. 目前來自某些地區的旅行者將不得不隔離,隔離期為十天,包含國家如下: 塞爾維亞、阿爾及利亞、澳大利亞、加拿大、喬治亞、日本、摩洛哥、紐西蘭、盧旺達、韓國、泰國、突尼斯和烏拉圭以及申根地區以外的歐盟國家(保加利亞、愛爾蘭、克羅地亞、羅馬尼亞和塞浦路斯)。從7月20日起,預計將取消對第三批國家的入境限制。另外預計中國還將根據歐盟的建議從清單中刪除,前提是它保證了來瑞士旅行的人的相互入境權。

Bern, Switzerland. At the meeting on July 1, 2020, the Federal Council decided on various measures to prevent the re-transmission of coronavirus.

  1. People who are 12 years of age or older on the national mandatory public transportation from July 6th must wear masks on trains, trams and buses, as well as on mountain railways and ropeways, and on lakes and river boats.

  2. Currently, travelers from certain areas will have to be quarantined for a period of ten days, including the following countries: Serbia, Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia And Uruguay and EU countries outside the Schengen area (Bulgaria, Ireland, Croatia, Romania and Cyprus). From July 20, it is expected that the entry restrictions on the third batch of countries will be lifted. It is also expected that China will also remove it from the list based on EU recommendations, provided it guarantees the right of mutual entry for people traveling to Switzerland.

相關資訊出處: https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-79711.html

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878



Dear Students,



  • 新學生入學日期-BA1,PG,MIB,MA,MSC
  • 選項1 *:2020年10月5日-2021年2月12日
  • 選項2 **:2020年11月9日至2021年4月2日
  • 返校生入學日期-BA2,BA3,BA4
  • * 2020年9月7日至2021年1月22日

Cesar Ritz College Switzerland 瑞士凱撒里茲大學

  • 新生和返校生-所有課程入學日期
  • * 2020年10月5日-2020年12月18日
  • 2021年1月學期入學日期



  • 新生和返校生-所有課程入學日期
  • ** 2020年10月5日-2020年12月18日
  • 2021年1月學期入學日期
  • 日期已調整為2021年1月11日至2021年3月26日


  • 新生和返校生-所有課程入學日期
  • * 2020年10月5日-2020年12月18日
  • 2021年1月學期入學日期
  • 日期已調整為2021年1月11日至2021年3月26日



Please note below important information regarding September, October, November 2020 and January  2021 intakes for SEG schools

SHMS – Swiss Hotel Management School

  • New Students – BA1, PG, MIB, MA, MSc
  • Option 1*: 5th October 2020 – 12th February 2021
  • Option 2**: 9th November 2020 – 2nd April 2021
  • Returning students – BA2, BA3, BA4
  • 7th September 2020 – 22nd January 2021

Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 

  • New & Returning Students – all programs
  • 5th October 2020 – 18th December 2020
  • January Term 2021
    Dates have been adjusted to 11th January 2021 – 26th March 2021

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland 

  • New & Returning Students – all programs
  • ** 5th October 2020 – 18th December 2020
  • January Term 2021
  • Dates have been adjusted to 11th January 2021 – 26th March 2021

Hotel Institute Montreux

  • New & Returning Students – all programs
  • *5th October 2020 – 18th December 2020
  • January Term 2021
  • Dates have been adjusted to 11th January 2021 – 26th March 2021

*At the beginning of the term,  we will offer a blended program allowing classes to take place face to face on campus while providing those of you who are delayed, access to our virtual learning environment (VLE). Students may arrive on campus up to 4 weeks late.

**At the beginning of the term,  we will offer a blended program allowing classes to take place face to face on campus while providing those of you who are delayed, access to our virtual learning environment (VLE). Students may arrive on campus up to 2 weeks late.

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

HTMi於2020年QS世界排名晉升 &“雇主聲譽”世界“前十 Top 10”

QS世界排名晉升 &“雇主聲譽”世界“前十 Top 10”







HTMi Accelerates Up QS World Ranking 2020 & Worlds “Top Ten” for “Employer Reputation”

In addition to our 2020 European EMCup ranking: “4th in Europe, 1st in Switzerland”, we are now delighted to announce our latest 2020 global QS University ranking for hospitality and leisure has leapt up to rank 17.

This rank shows the largest improvement of any school globally (including Switzerland) within the world’s 2019 top 25 universities for hospitality and leisure, with an amazing 32% improvement in rank 2020 compared to 2019.

An excellent result is HTMi has moved into the QS world’s “top ten” for “Employer Reputation”.

We are also delighted to announce that we remain well within “top 10” in Switzerland Hotel Schools.

We would like to thank all of our excellent students, teachers and international partners, for contributing to our global excellence in our HTMi vision to be a “Leading Hotel Management Institute in the World”.

HTMi International Development Group





Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

恭喜瑞士HTMi飯店管理大學 2020 EMCup歐洲盃榮獲頂尖瑞士飯店管理學校

恭喜瑞士HTMi飯店管理大學 2020 EMCup歐洲盃榮獲頂尖瑞士飯店管理學校

HTMi祝賀我們的學生Martina Leep、Renee de Bruyn、Rakiya Akimalieva、Adnan Kulenovic和Dan Nguyen在整個比賽中表現出傑出的專業精神和奉獻精神並堅持最高的HTMi標準。還要感謝教練Anthony Lack先生和Tudor Campan先生對團隊的領導和指導,以實現這一偉大的比賽里程碑。我們期待下一場EMCup 2021競賽。

瑞士HTMi非常自豪地宣布,它在EMCup 2020年連續第二年躋身歐洲前9名飯店管理學校之列,在辯論賽第二輪的18所學校中最終也領先於瑞士飯店管理學校,最終九所學校的最後階段。來自馬特里赫特(Maastricht)的兩個激動人心的競賽日來自17個國家的36所飯店管理學校,有180多名學生參加。瑞士HTMi在其評委室中的四家飯店學校中贏得了第一個銷售宣傳的冠軍。另一個傑出的成就是團隊成員Adnan Kulenovic在晚宴上宣布的大約180名學生中獲得了“履歷申請獎”的總冠軍。

EMCup是歐洲最佳飯店管理學院之間的年度競賽,它為學生提供了機會,使他們的願景和想法有所不同。這也是學生與領先的飯店公司的行業專家進行聯繫並討論工作的絕佳機會。這些學生由一個商業評審團評判,該評審團由來自42個不同公司的70多位飯店專業人士組成。這些公司是領先的飯店公司,例如希爾頓、洲際飯店集團、萊昂納多飯店、凱賓斯基飯店及度假村、溫德姆飯店及度假村,HRC International、Heineken、學生飯店、倫敦海運集裝箱公司等等。



比賽前,學生團隊進行了幾次作業。他們必須進行社交媒體宣傳,以提高品牌對EMCup及其主題的認識。除此之外,團隊還必須撰寫一份學術論文,該論文由Business Jury成員進行評分,並且需要製作一分鐘的視頻和團隊照片,以突出團隊和今年的主題。比賽期間,各團隊發表了他們的學術論文。此外,他們還進行了第二場比賽,他們得到了40分鐘的準備時間。根據前面所有元素的結果,每個陪審團室中排名前2的團隊都進入了前18名的排名,他們在辯論中必須與之抗衡。從辯論中,排名前9的學校有機會向廣大聽眾詳細闡述他們在最終銷售推銷中的情況。

Anthony Lack–活動教育與計劃負責人

CONGRATULATIONS to HTMi Switzerland Team – Top Swiss Hotel School in European EMCup 2020

HTMi would like to congratulate our students Martina Leep, Renee de Bruyn, Rakiya Akimalieva, Adnan Kulenovic and Dan Nguyen for showing outstanding professionalism and dedication and upholding the highest HTMi standards during the whole competition. Thanks also to the coaches Mr. Anthony Lack and Mr. Tudor Campan for their leadership and guidance of the team in reaching the final of this great competition milestone. We look forward to the next EMCup 2021 competition.

HTMi Switzerland is very proud to announce that for the second year it came within the top 9 European hotel schools during the EMCup 2020, also ending up ahead of Swiss Hotel Management Schools in both the second round of 18 schools in the debates round and finally to the final stage of nine schools. 36 hospitality schools from 17 countries with more than 180 students participated during two exciting competition days in Maastricht. HTMi Switzerland was the winner of the first sales pitch amongst four hotel schools in their jury room. Another outstanding achievement was that team member Adnan Kulenovic was the overall “Winner of the Resume Application Award” amongst approximately 180 students announced at the gala dinner.

The EMCup is the annual competition amongst the best European Hotel Management Schools and offers students the chance to make a difference with their visions and ideas. It was also a marvellous opportunity for students to network with industry professionals from leading hotel companies and discuss jobs. The students were judged by a Business Jury, consisting of more than 70 hospitality professionals from 42 different companies. These companies were amongst the leading hospitality companies such as Hilton, IHG, Leonardo Hotels, Kempinski Hotels & Resorts, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, HRC International, Heineken, Student Hotels, Sea Containers London and many more.

The 12th edition of the EMCup was held in Maastricht, The Netherlands on the 16th & 17th of February 2020. This year’s theme is “Battle of the Brands – Will Hotel Chains Survive, in the Battle for Guest Loyalty?”

Some Detail :

The teams of students conducted several assignments prior to the competition. They had to set-up a social media campaign to increase brand awareness on the EMCup and its theme. Besides that, the teams had to write an academic paper, which was graded by the Business Jury members and needed to create a one-minute video and team photo highlighting the team and this year’s topic. The teams pitched their academic paper during the competition days. Furthermore, they worked on a second pitch as well, where they were given 40 minutes to prepare for. Based on the results of all the previous elements the top 2 teams of every jury room were part of the ranking of the top 18 where they had to battle it out during the debates round. From the debates the top 9 schools received the opportunity to elaborate on their case in the grand final sales pitch to a large audience.

Anthony Lack – Head of Events Education and Planning


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

通往德國就業直達車! 商管碩士德國&歐洲排名第一 萊比錫管理學院(HHL)商學碩士畢業生就業薪水德國排名 第二 (TOP)

萊比錫管理學院(HHL)商學碩士畢生就業薪水德國排名 第二 (TOP)

Leipzig Graduate School of Management. HHL

商管碩士排名:德國及歐洲排名第一/全球第二. (Times Higher Education/WSJ)

商學院畢業生馬上就業薪水德國排名 第二 ( The economist)


2019.08.31 畢業典禮 新聞稿 (翻譯)


世界上最有影響力的兩名女性在2019年8月31日國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)董事總經理和歐洲中央銀行行長克里斯汀·拉加德(Christine Lagarde)為德國總理安格拉·梅克爾(Angela Merkel)授予榮譽博士學位的畢業典禮上發表致詞.

,當時德國總理安格拉 ·梅克爾(Angela Merkel)她獲得了萊比錫管理學院(HHL Leipzig)管理學院的榮譽博士學位。 HHL授予梅克爾總理榮譽博士學位。以表彰安格拉· 梅克爾(Angela Merkel)的領導才能及其對管理科學的影響。


HHL萊比錫管理研究生院院長Stephan Stubner教授表示:“我們很高興拉加德女士(歐洲中央銀行行長) 為我們未來的榮譽博士安吉拉 梅默克爾(Angela Merkel)致辭。克里斯汀·拉加德(Christine Lagarde)以其獨特的方式影響了世界經濟。世界上最有影響力的兩位女性將參加我們的畢業典禮,我相信這項活動將成為我們學生靈感的重要來源。”

“Two of the world’s most influential women will be attending our graduation ceremony and I am certain this event will become a great source of inspiration for our students”

Two of the world’s most influential women spoke at the graduation ceremony on August 31, 2019

The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and nominated President of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde held the laudatio for German Chancellor Angela Merkel when she was awarded an honorary doctorate from HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. HHL confered the degree of Dr. rer. oec. h.c. on Angela Merkel to honor her leadership accomplishments and her resulting impact on management science.

Event as source of inspiration

Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner, Dean of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management: “We are excited to have Ms. Lagarde giving the laudatory address for our future honorary doctor Angela Merkel. Christine Lagarde has influenced the economy of the world in her very unique way. Two of the world’s most influential women will be attending our graduation ceremony and I am certain this event will become a great source of inspiration for our students.”


HHL授權台灣代表 (免費諮詢及協助入學申請)
德國萊比錫管理學院 Leipzig Graduate School of Management. HHL

林肯企管顧問公司Lincoln Management consultants Co.,

總公司Headquater :
台北市106大安區忠孝東路四段148號3F-2 (禮仁通商大樓, 仁座,
TEL:02-2781-8878 (總機) FAX:02- 2781-8829

e-mail: michelle.shih@lincoln.com.tw

Skype ID: lincoln-marketing
Wechat ID: lincolneducation

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

2019音樂瑞士之夜-瑞士之聲II Swiss Music Night 2019-Sound of Switzerland Vol. II

【2019音樂瑞士之夜─瑞士之聲 II】

✈ 兩廳院購票 https://pse.is/LCFRW


由旅瑞大提琴家簡碧青、瑞士國寶級作曲家Fabian Müller共同創辦的「音樂瑞士之夜」(Swiss Music Night),今年12月將讓瑞士民謠首度登上國家音樂廳,並結合瑞士國家旅遊局授權使用的瑞士美麗地景投影,邀請瑞士、日本多位頂尖瑞士民謠音樂家,帶你「樂」讀瑞士,聽見最接近瑞士土地的聲音,以及瑞士民謠橫跨歐亞的迷人魅力…..

第一篇 群山之聲 Sounds from the mountains

第二篇 來自阿彭策爾的問候 Greetings from Appenzell

第三篇 當日本🇯🇵遇見瑞士🇨🇭Japan meets Switzerland

Appenzeller Echo 瑞士阿彭策爾音樂風格佼佼者
Fabian Müller 民謠研究專家、大提琴演奏
伊藤啟子(Keiko Ito) 日本著名約德爾調演唱家
Amsle Quantett 日本傑出瑞士民謠樂團
資深音樂人 Otto Lai 歐頭Otto(賴偉峯) 主持解說

票價:500. 800. 1100. 1500. 2000. 2500

✈ 兩廳院購票 https://pse.is/LCFRW

團購優惠 (02) 2778-5047


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

狂賀!狂賀!狂賀 ! 瑞士凱撒里茲大學Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 榮獲2019全球飯店管理大學排名競爭評鑑 排名世界第二

2019年10月23日瑞士凱撒里茲大學 新聞稿

César Ritz Colleges Switzerland Ranked No. 2 Overall in THE-ICE ISB Index 2019

With No.1 Ranking for Career Advice, Formal Welcome, First Night, University Orientation, Arrival (average) and Health Insurance.


狂賀!狂賀!狂賀 ! 瑞士凱撒里茲大學Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 榮獲2019全球飯店管理大學排名競爭評鑑 排名世界第二

瑞士凱撒里茲大學Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland提供職涯建議、正式歡迎、大學新生訓練、平安抵達服務、健康保險服務,榮獲學生票選第一名。



瑞士凱撒里茲大學在以下方面獲得了最高排名:職涯諮詢,平均抵達服務,第一晚住宿,健康保險,大學入學率和正式歡迎。 THE-ICE全球卓越排名是第一個僅基於學生滿意度定量數據的排名系統,它為全球120多家高等教育機構提供了排名。

In partnership with i-graduate, THE-ICE conducts an annual International Student Barometer Survey measuring student satisfaction across 80 elements of student experience related to Arrival, Learning, Living and Support, amongst 121 higher education institutions worldwide

The 2019 survey was open from March to June 2019 and attracted over 100,000 student responses.

César Ritz Colleges Switzerland achieved Premier Ranking for: Careers Advice, Arrival Average, First Night, Health Insurance, University Orientation, and Formal Welcome. THE-ICE Global Premier Ranking is the first ranking system based solely on quantitative data of student satisfaction and provides ranking of over 120 higher education institutions worldwide.


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

狂賀!狂賀!狂賀 ! 瑞士凱撒里茲大學Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 榮獲2018全球飯店管理大學排名競爭評鑑 排名世界第一

2018年11月23日瑞士凱撒里茲大學 新聞稿

César Ritz Colleges Switzerland Ranked #1 Hotel School Overall Worldwide


狂賀!狂賀!狂賀 ! 瑞士凱撒里茲大學Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 榮獲2018全球飯店管理大學排名競爭評鑑 排名世界第一

World Ranked Top 1.

Mr Cesar Ritz “King of Hotelier” 的精神辦學"飯店管理之父 「凱撒里茲大學 」瑞士人的驕傲,培養飯店業最多”總經理的搖籃"

瑞士凱撒里茲大學 榮獲全球飯店管理大學排名,其中包括學生學習,生活和學生支持。

以i-graduate ISBSB和THE-ICE 2018 ISBSB全球指數為基準,我們很高興地宣布THE-ICE i-graduate benchmarking system在全球飯店管理大學排名第一的 World ranked Top 1。



i-graduate global index ISBSB and THE-ICE 2018 ISBSB Global Index 評鑑 “世界第一” “ World Top 1” 包括整體表現 飯店館理及觀光教育學習 生活及學生滿意度. 瑞士凱撒里茲大學隸屬於瑞士SEG教育集團, 而SEG集團作爲瑞士最大飯店管理教育集團却更好地把歷史傳承,並把”瑞士品牌”傳播到世界各地.


驚喜獎學金:凱撒里茲大學提供雙學士7月入學30%高額優惠奬學金 名額有限 一定要把握!先申請 先取得獎學金的機會。 順利完成凱撒里茲大學雙學士可同時取得瑞士凱撒里茲大學及美國Top Ranking 華盛頓州立大學學士學位. 將來校友要在美國就業更有競爭。

瑞士凱撒里茲大學提供雙碩士 5個月念書+5個月帶薪實習, 學費預算便宜, 順利完成凱撒里茲大學雙碩士可同時取得瑞士凱撒里茲大學及英國Top Ranking 國立德比大學碩士學位

  • 主講:Ms.Jennifer學校首席代表 暨林肯企管總經理
  • 時間:12/8 本周六 14:00-15:00
  • 地點:林肯企管 會議室 北市忠孝東路四段148號3樓 "


  • TEL:02-2781 8878
  • Line lD:27818878 
  • 林肯企管 瑞士教育展主辦單位

Benchmarked against i-graduate global index ISBSB and THE-ICE 2018 ISBSB Global Index, we are pleased to announce that César Ritz Colleges Switzerland has been ranked Number 1 Hotel School Overall Worldwide. 

The ISBSB is the leading global benchmarking tool used to track the student experience.

The i-graduate benchmarking system is based on student satisfaction covering the entire student experience from arrival all the way to graduation. Every single year, the students’ satisfaction levels are gauged and benchmarked against all institutions within the Global Index making up over 3 million students from 1,400 universities, colleges, schools and government agencies worldwide. 

The critical element of this ranking is the very fact that it comes from the student perspective within the institution. In general, other rankings are based on journals, professor opinions or external analysts who are invited to provide their feedback which can provide inconsistent results. 

Accreditation is a snapshot in time, but quality is the bigger picture.

Incoming CEO of THE-ICE Dr. Craig Thompson

After 15 years, THE-ICE is becoming the gold standard for accreditation in hospitality and tourism education. Swiss Education Group uses the insights we receive to ensure the continued deliverance of a world class student experience.

2018年11月23日瑞士凱撒里茲大學 新聞稿



César Ritz Colleges Switzerland Ranked #1 Hotel School Overall Worldwide

最新消息 狂賀!狂賀!狂賀 ! 瑞士凱撒里茲大學Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland 榮獲2018全球飯店管理大學排名競爭評鑑 排名世界第一.

World Ranked Top 1.


Mr Cesar Ritz “King of Hotelier” 的精神辦學"飯店管理之父 「凱撒里茲大學 」瑞士人的驕傲,培養飯店業最多”總經理的搖籃"


"瑞士凱撒里茲大學 榮獲全球飯店管理大學排名,其中包括學生學習,生活和學生支持。


以i-graduate ISBSB和THE-ICE 2018 ISBSB全球指數為基準,我們很高興地宣布THE-ICE i-graduate benchmarking system在全球飯店管理大學排名第一的 World ranked Top 1。






 i-graduate global index ISBSB and THE-ICE 2018 ISBSB Global Index 評鑑 “世界第一” “ World Top 1” 包括整體表現 飯店館理及觀光教育學習 生活及學生滿意度. 瑞士凱撒里茲大學隸屬於瑞士SEG教育集團, 而SEG集團作爲瑞士最大飯店管理教育集團却更好地把歷史傳承,並把”瑞士品牌”傳播到世界各地.




驚喜獎學金:凱撒里茲大學提供雙學士7月入學30%高額優惠奬學金 名額有限 一定要把握!先申請 先取得獎學金的機會。 順利完成凱撒里茲大學雙學士可同時取得瑞士凱撒里茲大學及美國Top Ranking 華盛頓州立大學學士學位. 將來校友要在美國就業更有競爭.


瑞士凱撒里茲大學提供雙碩士 5個月念書+5個月帶薪實習, 學費預算便宜, 順利完成凱撒里茲大學雙碩士可同時取得瑞士凱撒里茲大學及英國Top Ranking 國立德比大學碩士學位.


" 歡迎參加史上CP 値最高的瑞士留學說明會12/8舉行, 有近百萬奬學金訊息給雙學士2019年7月入學學生,先申請, 先取得獎學金機會. 最高價值 最佳留學預算只在2019年, 改變生涯 實現自我 開發無限潛力的關鍵時刻 千萬別錯過  !


主講:Ms.Jennifer學校首席代表 暨林肯企管總經理


時間:12/8 本周六 14:00-15:00


地點:林肯企管 會議室 北市忠孝東路四段148號3樓 "


"採預約入場 "TEL:02-2781 8878 Line lD:27818878

林肯企管 瑞士教育展主辦單位


Benchmarked against i-graduate global index ISBSB and THE-ICE 2018 ISBSB Global Index, we are pleased to announce that César Ritz Colleges Switzerland has been ranked Number 1 Hotel School Overall Worldwide. 


The ISBSB is the leading global benchmarking tool used to track the student experience.


The i-graduate benchmarking system is based on student satisfaction covering the entire student experience from arrival all the way to graduation. Every single year, the students’ satisfaction levels are gauged and benchmarked against all institutions within the Global Index making up over 3 million students from 1,400 universities, colleges, schools and government agencies worldwide. 


The critical element of this ranking is the very fact that it comes from the student perspective within the institution. In general, other rankings are based on journals, professor opinions or external analysts who are invited to provide their feedback which can provide inconsistent results. 


Accreditation is a snapshot in time, but quality is the bigger picture.

Incoming CEO of THE-ICE Dr. Craig Thompson


After 15 years, THE-ICE is becoming the gold standard for accreditation in hospitality and tourism education. Swiss Education Group uses the insights we receive to ensure the continued deliverance of a world class student experience. 


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878

2017年11月1日 瑞士HTMi飯店管理大學 重大新聞發布

2017年11月1日 瑞士HTMi飯店管理大學 重大新聞發布

恭喜! 瑞士HTMi飯店管理大學行政主廚Chef Andy也是負責教授廚藝及糕餅甜點製作Chef Andy 榮獲2017年在義大利米蘭舉辦世界糕餅設計比賽榮獲第一大獎.

2017.11.01 新聞

Winner 2017 World Cake Design Championships

Congratulations to HTMi Executive Chef Andreas Kurfurt for leading the United Arab Emirates world culinary team to victory against 18 other national teams, to be winners of the 2017 World Cake Design Championships held in Milan this month.

Pictured in Milan and in HTMi Switzerland are the world champions, and we are all very proud of them

HTMi International Development Group Middle East Division

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