中央基督教中學 Central Christian School14859893_10153851454622687_7509470160175099992_o

  • 招收年級:7 – 12年

  • 招收性別:男女合

  • 短期就讀:我們傾向招收欲就讀2-3年以上的學生,但也可以接受短期就讀計畫。

  • 簡介:本校位於俄亥俄州的Kidron。校園占地60英畝,學校創始於1961年。升學率非常優秀。中央基督學校擁有25名來自6個不同國家的國際學生,對我們打造對全球化的重視非常有貢獻。我們同時重視英文的學習並助學生做好申請美國大學的準備。在活動項目方面,學生可選擇參加社團或休閒活動。

  • 申請流程:建議申請10-11年級學生托福須考65分以上。

  • 費用:請洽林肯企管顧問有限公司

  • ESL課程:我們有資源中心為國際學生提供專業ESL教師與指導。

  • 住宿:本校為全寄宿家庭制,每個寄宿家庭都與學校緊密聯繫。

  • 課程:畢業學分下限為23學分。通常每位學生會在4年高中修得28學分。科學、數學、社會、英文為必修,商業、音樂、藝術、工藝為選修。我們也提供大學先修課程(AP)。

  • 特殊課程:優秀學生可參加Science Olympiad、American High School Math Exam、Math Counts、Tests of Engineering in Math and Science (TEAMS)、Spelling Bee,以及Power of the Pen等競賽項目。我們許多學生在這些項目獲得優秀成績。我們為學生提供滿足個人需求的支援項目,包含英文課程與輔導課程。

  • 學生支援:提供專業ESL教師、師生支援,並為國際學生提供資源中心。

  • 校園:本校位於鄉村地帶,距離小鎮與城市約7英里。Kidron 總人口約1000人,多數職業為自營小店的工匠。

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School information


Central Christian School is located in Kidron, Ohio, on a beautiful 60-acre campus. It began operation in the 1961. Enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year is 345. 85% of our graduates go to college. Central Christian School currently has 25 international students from six countries that make a significant contribution to our communities global awareness, while improving students’ English skills and providing personal preparation for entrance into an American school.

Application process

We recommend a TOEFL score of 65 for entrance at grades 10-11. Exceptions will be considered.

English as second language

ESL is offered. We have a Resource Center for International Students which has a certified ESL instructor and tutors.


The school arranges all host families and each family is connected with the school either as parents, staff or alumni of Central Christian School.


A minimum of 23 credits are required for graduation. Many students will compile 28 credits during 4 years of high school. Science, Math, Social Studies and English are required by all students. Business, Music, Art, Industrial Arts are electives among other semester courses. AP courses are offered as well.

Special programs

Students excel in academics, consistently averaging in the top percentages of tests including End of Course Exams, ACT and SAT. Outside of the classroom, students may participate in Science Olympiad; American High School Math Exam; Math Counts; Tests of Engineering in Math and Science (TEAMS); Spelling Bee; and Power of the Pen. Many past teams have advanced to state and national levels of competition. A tutoring program serves students according to their individual needs. These include English Language Learners (ELL), inclusion tutoring, and pull out tutoring.


Students can join club teams or recreational teams.

Student support

Certified ESL staff, Tutors, faculty support and a Resource Center are available for International Students.

Features of the local area

This is a rural area where the country is the standard. Small towns and cities are within 7 miles while Kidron has a population of approximately 1000 people. Many area residents are craftsmen and own small businesses including farming.


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878