Manitowoc Lutheran High School

  • 招收年級:9-11年級
  • 招收性別:男女合校
  • 短期課程:馬尼托瓦克路德中學接受5-10個國際學生參與四周的文化和語言練習課程
  • 簡介:馬尼托瓦克路德中學提供學生在智力、精神和身體的高級學術教育課程。 它隸屬於美國,已經有150年的歷史,也是美國第四大私立學校。 我們有210名學生,他們在我們提供的完善校舍、專業師資以及優良環境中接受優質教育。 馬尼托瓦克教育家有50%擁有高等學位。 學生/教師比例為10比1。 ACT馬尼托瓦克路德會高中平均綜合指數為24.8。
  • 社團活動安排:包括網球、籃球、足球、舞蹈、足球等男孩和女孩的64個運動隊選擇。 5個音樂團體:爵士樂隊、風交響樂團、音樂會樂隊、弦樂團和中樂隊。 超過40個不同的學術興趣俱樂部和榮譽社團。 提供年度戲劇和音樂劇。
  • 申請流程:學生必須在過去3年的學習期間提交正式的學校成績單,兩份推薦信以及財力責任證明。 有一個Skype口試。 學生應至少在SLEP上獲得50分,ELTis至少215分,TOEFL Jr標準為745分。
  • 學校支援:有專責負責的單位以及各別的指導;國際部門總監、高中校長、輔導老師、顧問指導主任、同儕小老師指導。
  • ESL課程:ESL有4個級別。 每個ESL課程有1-5名學生。
  • 費用:請洽林肯企管顧問有限公司
  • 住宿:高中將安排寄宿家庭的國際學生的住宿費用請洽林肯企管顧問有限公司
  • 課程:馬尼托瓦克路德中學提供首要的大學預科教育,有7個AP課程,7個大學預科/榮譽課程,4個外語課程以及獲得高中文憑所需的所有其他課程。
  • 體育活動/俱樂部:9個運動/ 12個學校俱樂部
  • 校園:馬尼托瓦克路德中學位於威斯康辛州。 我們的湖岸社區位於密歇根湖附近,是遊客和居民的熱門旅遊居住之地。 不同的季節變化和多樣化的文化機會,讓學生及其寄宿家庭在馬尼托瓦克和附近的較大城市如密爾沃基和芝加哥享受旅遊,博物館,體育和美術活動。

School information

Short programsThe high school has accepted study groups of 5-10 international students that come for 4 weeks for cultural immersion and language practice
DescriptionManitowoc Lutheran High School develops young adults intellectually, spiritually, and physically through a highly academic education. It is affiliated with the 150 year old, fourth largest, private school system in the United States of America. We offer a quality education in a small and friendly environment of about 210 students. Roughly 50% of Manitowoc educators hold an advanced degree. The student/teacher ratio is 10/1. The ACT Manitowoc Lutheran High School Average Composite is 24.8.
Application processStudents must submit official school transcripts from the past 3 years of study, two recommendation letters, and proof of financial responsibility. There is a Skype interview. The student should score at least 50 on SLEP, 215 on ELTis, or 745 on TOEFL Jr.
English as second languageThere are 4 levels of ESL. There are 1-5 students in each ESL class.
AccommodationThe high school will arrange living accommodations for international students
CurriculumManitowoc Lutheran offers a premier university preparatory education with 7 advanced placement courses, 7 college prep/honors courses, 4 foreign language courses, and all other courses necessary for gaining a high school diploma.
Sports9 sports / 12 school clubs
Student supportInternational Program Director, High School President, Guidance Director, Teacher Adviser, Peer Student Mentor, Tutors
Features of the local areaManitowoc Lutheran High School is located in the state of Wisconsin. Situated near Lake Michigan, our lakeshore community is a welcoming place for both visitors and residents. The changing seasons and variety of cultural opportunities allow students and their host families to enjoy travelling, museums, sports, and fine arts events in Manitowoc and larger nearby cities like Milwaukee and Chicago.



Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878