意奧蘭尼高中Iolani School

    • 招收年級:9-11年級(9年級優先招收)

    • 招收性別:男女合校

    • 短期課程:有

    • 簡介:意奧蘭尼高中是一所文化多樣的、男女合校的大學預科學校,針對基督教價值觀念的幼兒至12年級的1900多名學生提供服務。重視學術卓越和個人成長,希望學生能在具有挑戰性和競爭力的氣氛中蓬勃發展,獲得關愛和培育。通過在眾多學科中的動態和個性化的教學,“意奧蘭尼書院開發了受過良好教育的全面人士,他們為大學做好了充分準備,並準備承擔起積極的道德公民的責任。在沙利文創新和領導中心,學生們面臨著挑戰,並在不斷發展的資訊交流、創造、合作和溝通的世界中茁壯成長。

    • 申請流程:需要SSAT 以及TOEFL托福的英文檢定成績。

    • ESL課程:無

    • 費用:請洽林肯企管顧問公司

    • 住宿費用:請洽林肯企管顧問公司

    • 住宿:9-10年級可選擇寄宿家庭,11-12年級可選擇住宿。學校會協助學生分配到合適的寄宿家庭。

    • 課程:紮實的大學預科課程

    • 學生支援:大學輔導員,學校輔導員和學校諮詢專家。

    • 校園:位於城市周邊,有不同國籍學生因此創造文化多樣的環境,讓學生能夠體驗多元文化,對未來要到亞洲或大陸、美國發展都好。

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School information


‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, co-educational, college preparatory school for more than 1,900 students in kindergarten through 12th grade founded upon Christian values. Academic excellence and personal growth flourish in an atmosphere that is challenging and competitive, yet caring and nurturing. Through dynamic and personalised instruction in a multitude of disciplines, ‘Iolani develops liberally educated, well- rounded individuals who are well prepared for college and ready to assume their responsibilities as active, moral citizens. At the Sullivan Center for Innovation and Leadership, students are challenged and learn to thrive in an evolving world of information access, creation, collaboration and communication.

Application process

Students need to pass SSAT and TOEFL exams.

English as second language



College Prep


94 different sports and 60+ clubs

Student support

College Counsellors, School Counsellors and School Psychologist

Features of the local area

Urban setting, culturally diverse, easy access to Asia and the Mainland US.


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878