
恭喜! 英國Astrum Education 集團旗下Duff Miller中學2016年 A level 學生2016年英國大學錄取成果如下:

2016 University Offers
A level學生在英國大學接受成果表現

Our A-Level students have degree offers from the UK’s leading universities.

89% to Russell Group or Top 20 Ranked Universities
89 % 學生被英國大學排名前20大學接受

57% to Top 10 Ranked Universities and Degrees
57% 學生被英國大學排名前10大學接受

70% to the World’s Top 100 ranked Universities
70 % 學生被世界大學排名前100大學接受

到目前為止, 已有學生被英國大學醫學院接受:

Astrum Education

Student Offers 2016

Dear Partners

As we approach the exam season there is a great sense of excitement across our colleges and student body. Final preparations, revision and honing of exam technique are all underway. We can see the fantastic degree offers which our A-Level students already hold with all indications being for another hugely successful year for our students, who will be progressing to a wide range of the most prestigious degrees and universities. Here is an overview of the offers our Duff Miller students have secured:

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878