《瑞士》2015 March Headline news HTMi+SHML 宣布合併


“HTMi & SHML Hotel Schools in Switzerland have reached an agreement that HTMi will merge SHML within its umbrella organization to operate SHML Lenk. The two Directors of SHML, Urs and Peter Eberhardt, will remain on the Board of SHML to provide the new organization with their operational expertise and their hospitality industry links both in Switzerland and internationally.  HTMi will focus on adding its academic quality and international network to the new organization. Both SHML & HTMi are delighted to create this new organization for the benefit of students and industry partners globally.”

News released by the Boards of HTMi & SHML, March 2015

HTMi 已與SHML 達成協議,將把SHML 納入HTMi的版圖下。Urs and Peter Eberhardt, 原任職在SHML 的兩位董事依然會繼續在SHML 展現他們專長且專心於國際與瑞士酒店業的接軌。對於新的事業版圖,HTMi 會更致力學術方面的品質以及國際合作。HTMi 與 SHML 對於合作之後的關係充滿信心,相信此合作必定能帶學生及產業合作夥伴利益。


The Swiss College of Hospitality Lenk is owned by Sirius Hospitality Services, a Swiss hospitality company specializing in hotel, resort and restaurant management, one of large Swiss hospitality group, including hotels, restaurants and hotel schools. Furthermore, with strong industry-oriented board of SHML, the President of GHM group and chairman of Swiss-Belhotel International, SHML has secured partnerships with some international hotel companies. These partnerships allow qualifying students to intern within these hotels and resort companies throughout the World, thereby increasing their chances for an entry position on completion of their Associate degrees and Bachelor degrees.


SHML 隸屬於瑞士餐飲旅館集團—Siris 旗下關係企業,此事業體也包含餐廳與飯店等。更值得一提的事,SHML 有著強而有力的董事會,包含GHM 總裁及Swiss-Belhotel 總理,SHML 也確保與產業間的合作無間。此項合作使SHML 優秀的學生可有機會在全球的酒店或是觀光飯店實習,做中學習,並且增進自身能力而往下個目標邁進。



SHML will teach and combine, within a real boutique hospitality environment, the traditional fundamentals of Swiss operations with state of the art hospitality know-how for international management, exposing all students—during their studies and after graduating—to direct exposure with professional hoteliers, for a genuine and qualified interaction for success. The professional future of each and every student represents the core of the mission for SHML’s managing proprietors, faculty and staff.


SHML 的教學理念是實際精品飯店環境基礎下,結合傳統瑞士飯店的基礎及國際飯店管理技能教受給予我們的學生,在他們不論求學或就業時,直接與專業人才有著熟練且實際的互動。此理念深植在SHML 業主、職員及學生心中。


About Lincoln:


瑞士教育聞名全球,林肯企管顧問公司專業代理瑞士教育權威,包括飯店管理、精品管理、歐洲廚藝及國際住宿中學教育等,幫助台灣許多學子成功前往瑞士就讀甚至就業,林肯20餘年的專業經驗和實力深受各界肯定。HTMi 瑞士飯店管理大學是瑞士知名飯店管理大學之一,以培養飯店專業經理人才為教育宗旨。唯一在台官方代表,歡迎來電諮詢 02-2781-8878



Dear Swiss Alumni 瑞士校友們,

這次瑞士商辦事處(TOSI) 主辦台灣瑞士校友會,這是第一次也是最棒及成功的校友會3/12/2015在台北東方文華飯店舉辦, 將近100多位校友參加 Alumni event, 大家齊聚一起 好 開心,我們 期待下次再聚.

The Trade Office of Swiss Industries (TOSI), in collaboration with swissnex China and Alumni UZH Taipei, organized a Swiss Alumni Event in Taipei, Taiwan, the 12th of March 2015. Nearly 100 people who studied in Switzerland and are currently living in Taiwan joined the even.


Swiss Alumni Event in Taipei, 12.03.2015



1On March 12, 2015 the first-ever Swiss Alumni Networking Event was held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel’s M.O. Bar in Taipei, Taiwan. The idea of such an event – which was originally brought up by the Trade Office of Swiss Industries (TOSI) and Alumni UZH Taipei (University of Zurich) and quickly supported by swissnex China – was to find as many Swiss alumni in Taiwan as possible and to hold an initial event in order to put the spotlight on Swiss schooling and to give the alumni a platform to network and meet other alumni.


2The event was a huge success with almost 100 graduates (75 percent of which were Taiwan citizens) from Swiss universities, hotel schools, business schools and boarding schools joining. Nearly half of the participants (48 percent) graduated from one of the 11 hotel schools that were represented that evening, 43 percent were graduates from 12 different universities and universities of applied science, six guests graduated from two different business schools, and three from two Swiss boarding schools.



3The event was opened with speeches from Rolf Frei, director of TOSI, and Pascal Marmier, CEO of swissnex China. The alumni then had plenty of time to network, meet people from their alma mater and mingle, all while drinking a chilled glass of red wine and enjoying finger foods provided by the M.O. Bar.



4“It was a real pleasure to get to know so many young and young at heart and learn about the amazing careers they made after graduating in Switzerland” says Rolf Frei, Co-Host of the event.





5The organization committee was very happy to see such a high number of participants and would like to thank all the guests for participating.  We can only be glad to have given such an opportunity to our Swiss alumni to gather here in Taipei and we are looking forward to preparing the next event for this newly created network.