

主講人:Ms. Michelle Shih
日期:2015 年 6 月 27 日(六)
時間:2:30 p.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.



安全國家、 高品質教育、優質宿環境


全程英語授課可多學習法語、德語、 義大利語




International Certificate of Education
接受 3至12 年級(9至18歲之學生申請)
1. International Baccalaureate (IB) 文憑課程
2. 美國高中文憑(7-12年級)
3. IGCSE / A level 英國中學 – 高中制度課程
4. Swiss Matura Diplomaa 瑞士中學 – 高中文憑
5. Geran Abitur 德國中學 – 高中
6. French Baccalaureate法國高中文憑


瑞士住宿學校大部份都有提供適合英語系國家升學, 如美國、 英國、法國大學 ,有提供 SAT、 AP、 ACT、 GCE 和 TOEFL 準考試備課程。




《好康》Good News !! 新優惠方案 !!

Good News!好消息!

前50位名額就可免費享有Tutor ABC
例如 : 入學面試練習、托福或雅思考試的聽力與對話練習、商用或旅遊會話練習、簽證面試模擬練習

《瑞士》2015.05.05傑出校友 Ms. Denise Andrzejewskiz分享5項成功祕訣

2015.05.05 Cesar Ritz Colleges News.


凱撒里茲飯店管理大學傑出校友 Ms. Denise Andrzejewski

分享5 項成功密訣給學弟妹:


Denise是德國籍校友, 10年前從凱撒里茲飯店管理大學畢業後搬到杜拜從事飯店餐飲事業, 現在在阿拉伯大公國成立The Kaizen Initiative公司, 專業於人資, 公司組資發展, 訓練課程設計及企業組織相關顧問公司.


  • Explore Different Cultures 探討發現不同的文化
  • Make Use of Travel 多旅行
  • Look For the Bigger Picture in Hospitality 尋求更大飯店餐飲願景
  • Start Building Your Network 開始建立自己人脈
  • It’s All About Flexibility 可以很彈性的


“As an entrepreneur life never gets boring. Everyday you wake up and wonder what today has to offer.”

Over 10 years ago German born César Ritz Colleges alumni Denise Andrzejewski moved to Abu Dhabi to work in the hospitality business. As a new traveller, the move to the United Arab Emirates was bold, a touch scary and completely eye opening to what the world can offer. Through this move, she gained experiences across departments in hotels, worked her way up the ladder in a multi-national corporation and has recently made the decision to open her own company based in the United Arab Emirates. Today Denise is the Founder and Managing Director of The Kaizen Initiative – a Human Resources & Performance Consultancy focused on organizational development, training design and corporate affairs consulting.

With an impressive career already underway, we asked Denise to share with us her top tips for future hospitality graduates interested in setting up their own business.

Resource 資料來源 凱撒里茲新聞



1) Explore Different Cultures
One thing that served me very well during my professional years as an employee and entrepreneur was my early exposure to different cultures. Once you get to know people from around the world, you can better understand why they are the way they are and how to respond to them. Now think of co-workers, bosses and customers and how much of an advantage it would give you to already know about the cultural dos and don’ts!

2) Make Use of Travel
Hospitality like no other industry gives you the opportunity to explore the world. Do that! Wherever it will take you, embrace and learn from all travel. Nowadays travelling is one of the most important things I do to keep up with developments in different parts of the world. But it hasn’t always been this way. When I just started working in Hospitality I was hesitant and uncomfortable to go places I hadn’t been before and without knowing anyone. Ever since, travelling has pushed me outside of my comfort zone and as they say that’s when the magic happens! I learned to embrace the new and unknown, something that has been essential to both my company’s and my own growth.

3) Look For the Bigger Picture in Hospitality
Hospitality in my eyes is all about customer service while creating experiences and memories people are willing to pay for. I believe that studying and working in the hospitality sector gives you the perfect foundation for this – you learn not only the business aspect which you will need once you become an entrepreneur but it will also equip you with the knowledge and skills of customer service, cultural awareness and the willingness to step out of your comfort zones. Plus it will train you on working hard and long hours for hardly any money, which is the best training for your start-up.

4) Start Building Your Network
You might think it is way too early, but let me tell you its not. Don’t only focus on your classmates and friends but make an effort to connect with people outside of your circles too. Once you graduate make sure you are connected on social networks like LinkedIn or Facebook. This recently rescued a deal I had with a client from the entertainment industry.

5) It’s All About Flexibility
Hospitality and the industry itself will stretch you in many ways and that is a good thing. I look at it like the Yoga of business that teaches you the flexibility you need to survive. With all the shifts, long hours, weeks without a day off, the uncertainty about which location in the world your next move will take you and so on. It teaches you to be flexible and to adapt to various environments, people and customers. Being flexible is essential if you want to become an entrepreneur and compete with the world out there. Hospitality will be the master in teaching you that skill.


Resource 資料來源 凱撒里茲新聞



《瑞士》瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學 留學聖地


2015-05-06 12:18:31 經濟日報 劉立諭



其中,位居世界權威領導地位、有「培育總經理搖籃」美譽的瑞士凱撒里茲(Cesar Ritz)飯店管理大學更是佼佼者,創立於1982年,傳承「飯店管理之父」 Mr.Cesar Ritz高品質理念辦學,旨在提供全世界一流國際飯店管理專業教育及培養卓越領導人,目前畢業校友遍及世界各地擔任知名飯店總經理及主管等要職。

瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學LeBouveret校區位在日內瓦湖畔,校園環境悠美。 林肯企管/提供



瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學大廳氣派優雅 林肯企管/提供



身為凱撒里茲大學校友的林肯企管顧問公司總經理郭育伶(左)與執行長石英雀於2011年在校學習飲食服務及廚藝課程在LeBouveret校區教室合影。 林肯企管/提供


讓更多國人了解凱撒里茲飯店管理大學,林肯企管特訂5月16日下午2:30台北林肯公司、17日下午 2:30在高雄君鴻飯店舉辦招生說明會,由凱撒里茲首席在台代表暨校友Ms.Jennifer Kuo主講,教你如何成為優秀的飯店管理人才。歡迎報名參加

林肯企管電話(02)2781-8878 ,網址www.lincoln.com.tw



來源: 聯合財經網




《瑞士》瑞士經濟大學MBA 培養全球企業管理菁英

瑞士經濟大學MBA 培養全球企業管理菁英

2015-05-06 17:24:52 經濟日報 劉立諭



瑞士經濟大學(Swiss School of Economics,簡稱SSE)為非營利性的目的和追求唯一目標,以達到最高的教育質量標準,致力於建立一個長期的承諾,包括社會及其需求,通過學校的社會地位或經濟能力提供一個優秀的教育及環境。教學目的培養全球企業管理菁英及教導如何創業,將其對社會的貢獻作為其最優先考慮。

瑞士經濟大學都在五星級或四星級飯店上課 瑞士經濟大學亞洲辦事處/提供


韋爾比耶市是相當知名的瑞士最大最豪華的滑雪聖地 瑞士經濟大學亞洲辦事處/提供

瑞士經濟大學位於 Verbier(韋爾比耶)滑雪勝地,是瑞士最大最奢侈滑雪勝地,提供MBA、EMBA、 DBA/PHD及Summer課程,授課校區座落於5個豪華國際飯店,包括W Hotel會議中心、Cordee Hotel會議中心、Le Hameau Hotel 學校行政及上課,學生住宿及上課在Montpelier Hotel及Verbier Resort campus,是全球最奢侈豪華MBA商學院上課兼渡假環境。


韋爾比耶校區會議中心比美五星級飯店等級 瑞士經濟大學亞洲辦事處/提供



士經濟大學亞洲辦事處總監 Michelle Shih石英雀表示,MBA課程模組取決於主題選擇,以最優秀品質保證的基礎下,以此標準招募師資。Michelle說,MBA是鼓勵瑞士經濟大學和地方企業之間的交流專業知識,以便提高研究成果的流動付諸實踐時,或是將實際現實面的需求反應到研究課題。通過這樣做,瑞士經濟大學完全讓周邊的企業主可在產學整合中獲益,並與當地合作夥伴合作長期的發展戰略。欲了解更多詳情,可以聯繫瑞士經濟大學亞洲辦事處Michelle Shih石英雀總監。

此外,5月7日 下午 6:30 特邀瑞士經濟大學國際長Ms.Ki-Jung Hyun親自來台在辦事處舉行說明會,免費入場,歡迎預約參加。

洽詢電話(02)2781-8878, https://www.lincoln.com.tw。


來源: 聯合財經報


《瑞士》2015 March Headline news HTMi+SHML 宣布合併


“HTMi & SHML Hotel Schools in Switzerland have reached an agreement that HTMi will merge SHML within its umbrella organization to operate SHML Lenk. The two Directors of SHML, Urs and Peter Eberhardt, will remain on the Board of SHML to provide the new organization with their operational expertise and their hospitality industry links both in Switzerland and internationally.  HTMi will focus on adding its academic quality and international network to the new organization. Both SHML & HTMi are delighted to create this new organization for the benefit of students and industry partners globally.”

News released by the Boards of HTMi & SHML, March 2015

HTMi 已與SHML 達成協議,將把SHML 納入HTMi的版圖下。Urs and Peter Eberhardt, 原任職在SHML 的兩位董事依然會繼續在SHML 展現他們專長且專心於國際與瑞士酒店業的接軌。對於新的事業版圖,HTMi 會更致力學術方面的品質以及國際合作。HTMi 與 SHML 對於合作之後的關係充滿信心,相信此合作必定能帶學生及產業合作夥伴利益。


The Swiss College of Hospitality Lenk is owned by Sirius Hospitality Services, a Swiss hospitality company specializing in hotel, resort and restaurant management, one of large Swiss hospitality group, including hotels, restaurants and hotel schools. Furthermore, with strong industry-oriented board of SHML, the President of GHM group and chairman of Swiss-Belhotel International, SHML has secured partnerships with some international hotel companies. These partnerships allow qualifying students to intern within these hotels and resort companies throughout the World, thereby increasing their chances for an entry position on completion of their Associate degrees and Bachelor degrees.


SHML 隸屬於瑞士餐飲旅館集團—Siris 旗下關係企業,此事業體也包含餐廳與飯店等。更值得一提的事,SHML 有著強而有力的董事會,包含GHM 總裁及Swiss-Belhotel 總理,SHML 也確保與產業間的合作無間。此項合作使SHML 優秀的學生可有機會在全球的酒店或是觀光飯店實習,做中學習,並且增進自身能力而往下個目標邁進。



SHML will teach and combine, within a real boutique hospitality environment, the traditional fundamentals of Swiss operations with state of the art hospitality know-how for international management, exposing all students—during their studies and after graduating—to direct exposure with professional hoteliers, for a genuine and qualified interaction for success. The professional future of each and every student represents the core of the mission for SHML’s managing proprietors, faculty and staff.


SHML 的教學理念是實際精品飯店環境基礎下,結合傳統瑞士飯店的基礎及國際飯店管理技能教受給予我們的學生,在他們不論求學或就業時,直接與專業人才有著熟練且實際的互動。此理念深植在SHML 業主、職員及學生心中。


About Lincoln:


瑞士教育聞名全球,林肯企管顧問公司專業代理瑞士教育權威,包括飯店管理、精品管理、歐洲廚藝及國際住宿中學教育等,幫助台灣許多學子成功前往瑞士就讀甚至就業,林肯20餘年的專業經驗和實力深受各界肯定。HTMi 瑞士飯店管理大學是瑞士知名飯店管理大學之一,以培養飯店專業經理人才為教育宗旨。唯一在台官方代表,歡迎來電諮詢 02-2781-8878



Dear Swiss Alumni 瑞士校友們,

這次瑞士商辦事處(TOSI) 主辦台灣瑞士校友會,這是第一次也是最棒及成功的校友會3/12/2015在台北東方文華飯店舉辦, 將近100多位校友參加 Alumni event, 大家齊聚一起 好 開心,我們 期待下次再聚.

The Trade Office of Swiss Industries (TOSI), in collaboration with swissnex China and Alumni UZH Taipei, organized a Swiss Alumni Event in Taipei, Taiwan, the 12th of March 2015. Nearly 100 people who studied in Switzerland and are currently living in Taiwan joined the even.


Swiss Alumni Event in Taipei, 12.03.2015



1On March 12, 2015 the first-ever Swiss Alumni Networking Event was held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel’s M.O. Bar in Taipei, Taiwan. The idea of such an event – which was originally brought up by the Trade Office of Swiss Industries (TOSI) and Alumni UZH Taipei (University of Zurich) and quickly supported by swissnex China – was to find as many Swiss alumni in Taiwan as possible and to hold an initial event in order to put the spotlight on Swiss schooling and to give the alumni a platform to network and meet other alumni.


2The event was a huge success with almost 100 graduates (75 percent of which were Taiwan citizens) from Swiss universities, hotel schools, business schools and boarding schools joining. Nearly half of the participants (48 percent) graduated from one of the 11 hotel schools that were represented that evening, 43 percent were graduates from 12 different universities and universities of applied science, six guests graduated from two different business schools, and three from two Swiss boarding schools.



3The event was opened with speeches from Rolf Frei, director of TOSI, and Pascal Marmier, CEO of swissnex China. The alumni then had plenty of time to network, meet people from their alma mater and mingle, all while drinking a chilled glass of red wine and enjoying finger foods provided by the M.O. Bar.



4“It was a real pleasure to get to know so many young and young at heart and learn about the amazing careers they made after graduating in Switzerland” says Rolf Frei, Co-Host of the event.





5The organization committee was very happy to see such a high number of participants and would like to thank all the guests for participating.  We can only be glad to have given such an opportunity to our Swiss alumni to gather here in Taipei and we are looking forward to preparing the next event for this newly created network.







《工商日報報導》推廣瑞士教育 林肯企管獲肯定

推廣瑞士教育 林肯企管獲肯定

2015年04月10日 04:10








資料來源resource: 工商時報China Times




2015-04-10 經濟日報 劉立諭


此屆計有來自9所知名瑞士住宿學校參加,包括AIGLON學院、布里蒙國際寄宿中學、雷曼國際寄宿中學、蘿實學院、蕾曼尼亞學院、瑞士萊辛美國學校、PRE FLEURI國際型寄宿學校、TASIS瑞士美國學校以及作爾茲國際寄宿中學,每所學校各有特色,有來自法語區、德語區及義大利語區,提供不同教育制度及高中文憑讓家長選擇。


瑞士住宿中學集結校園環境悠美,高品質教育,國際化,多角化,小班制及安全生活環境等優越性吸引許多國際學生就讀。 林肯企管/提供





學生上實驗課實境。 林肯企管/提供

瑞士住宿中學接受3至12年級(9至 18歲)學生申請,家長可選擇適合子女的教育制度為未來大學升學準備,例如IB文憑課程(11-12年級),適合申請任何國家大學。或是美國高中文憑(7-12年級),適合申請美國大學等。瑞士住宿學校採小班制,師生比例平均約1:5 ,小朋友得到非常妥善照顧。暑假有提供暑期及SAT、AP、ACT、GCE



TASIS瑞士美國學校市場行銷總監Emily M.McKee(左)與林肯企管公司總經理郭育伶於瑞士中學教育展會場合影。 劉立諭/攝影

記者同時也在會場訪問到TASIS瑞士美國學校市場行銷總監Emily M.McKee,她表示,TASIS是全球士第一所美國學校,全世界非常有名,在750位學生中有275位是來自62個國家的國際學生,升學率非常好,是前進哈佛等世界名校的踏腳石。TASIS瑞士美國學校不僅僅設備好,藝術課程更是出類拔萃,甚至老師都會帶學生到其它國家參訪行程



資料來源Resource 經濟日報 聯合財經網http://money.udn.com/storypage.php?sub_id=5723&art_id=829193&ch=fb_share





2015-03-17 經濟日報 劉立諭




世界盛名、有「培育總經理搖籃」美譽的瑞士凱撒里茲(Cesar Ritz)飯店管理大學是全球飯店管理教育權威,由「飯店管理之父」Mr.Cesar Ritz於1982年創立,至今已有32年傳統歷史,傳承其瑞士旅館管理成功經驗及高品質理念辦學,旨在提供全世界一流國際飯店管理教育及培養卓越領導人,目前畢業校友遍及世界各地擔任知名飯店總經理及主管等要職。




瑞士凱撒里茲飯店管理大學校園環境悠美。 林肯企管/提供



林肯企管電話(02)2781-8878 ,網址www.lincoln.com.tw。
