Partnerships and Accreditation

Students of the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland benefit from the established partnerships of the Academy and the accreditations it has achieved.

Logo-Ritz-ParisCAA與巴黎里茲.愛斯克菲爾廚藝學院(The Ecole Ritz Escoffier)進行學術建教與廚藝合作,巴黎里茲定期會有教授至CAA授課。
The partnership with the Ritz Paris hotel highlights the quality of the training offered at the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland. Students benefit from the vast experience of the Ritz professionals during their regular campus visits. Students also have the exceptional possibility to experience the Ritz Paris, attending specialised culinary training courses in Paris. These sessions will be conducted by leading chefs of the Ritz Escoffier school and are designed to broaden students’ culinary skills and knowledge.


The Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Culinary Arts is awarded in academic partnership with the University of Derby (UK).



The undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are recognised by the State of Valais, Switzerland.


Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878