(非常重要) 留學匈牙利學生請注意匈牙利政府規定

(非常重要) 留學匈牙利學生請注意匈牙利政府規定

匈牙利針對COVID-19 對各國入境匈牙利的資訊



  1. 匈牙利國民
  2. 歐盟國民和EEA成員國以及瑞士(不包括英國)的國民
  3. 上述人士的第三國家庭成員
  4. 此外,以互惠原則授予塞爾維亞國民-根據9/2020年外交和貿易部長法令(6月17日),
  5. 根據9/2020年外交和貿易部長法令(6月17日),烏克蘭國民最長不超過24小時且在邊界地區30公里以內,
  6. 專門來自韓國和日本:任何為商務目的旅行並且是在上述國家之一註冊的公司的高級會員或受僱於該國家,並與在上述國家註冊的公司進行關聯經營的任何外國公民。有關企業的定義在1996年關於公司稅和股息稅第4(23)條的LXXXI法中。該訪問的業務性質將在入境時推定。
  7. 不屬於上述類別的人員不允許進入匈牙利,但基於寬大處理申請獲得豁免的人員除外。幸運的是,如果申請人證明入境目的是:根據學生的身份履行學習或考試的義​​務,並且由教育機構證明,則警察當局應允許入境。





  1. 學生可以憑豁免進入匈牙利
  2. 我們幫助學生掌握所需的文件和行政公式
  3. 在隔離期間(14天),我們可以提供場所和全套服務,因此在正式的家庭隔離中或以後的任何時間,學生都將安全。

因此,所有的外國籍學生皆得以進入匈牙利,其學習不受疫情中斷, 以上~

Information on Hungarian entry requirements during the Covid-19 pandemic preparedness period


According to Government Decree 291/2020 (17 June) on travel restrictions during the pandemic preparedness period introduced by Government Decree 283/2020 (17 June 2020), the following persons are allowed to enter Hungary without restrictions:

  • Hungarian nationals,
  • EU nationals and nationals of EEA member states and Switzerland (excluding UK),
  • third country family members of the above mentioned persons,
  • furthermore, granted through reciprocity, nationals of Serbia – based on the Decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 9/2020 (17 June),
  • nationals of Ukraine for a maximum period of 24 hours and within 30 km of the border area – based on the Decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 9/2020 (17 June),
  • exclusively from South Korea and Japan: any foreign national traveling for business purposes and being a senior member of or employed by a company registered in one of the above mentioned countries and operating as a related undertaking with a company registered in the above mentioned countries. Related undertakings are defined in Act LXXXI of 1996 on Corporate Tax and Dividend Tax Art 4 (23). The business nature of the visit is to be presumed upon entry.


Persons not falling under the above categories are not allowed to enter Hungary, with the exception of those given an exemption based on a leniency application.  Fortunately, the police authority shall allow entry if the applicant proves that the purpose of entry is: fulfillment of an obligation to study or examine on the basis of a student status, if this is certified by the educational institution
Please note that

  1. an obligatory health check is carried out for all persons
  2. who are not suspected of having COVID-19 during the health inspection are placed in quarantine or official home quarantine for 14 days.

The important take-home message if your country may fall into “not allowed to enter Hungary”

Lincoln Education
ID: 27818878