
The Centre for Events Management Training Switzerland

HTMi 國際活動管理訓練中心提供所有學生有關不同的飯店活動管理的專注訓練。設計這樣的訓練中心的重點與飯店舉辦這些活動中會進帳大筆收入和豐厚的利潤有關。 在校園裡,每個學期,在各個年級層都有大量的活動,包括各種會議,婚禮和烹飪活動。該中心還請學生團體在奧運會等重大國際活動中工作和支援配合。



Our leading events management team

Our leading events management team will guide through your events successfully while driving your profits up and costs to a minimum. To initiate the event, robust planning is the key to make the event become successful. Planning can be categorised as either strategic or operational. Decision-making is a key component of planning, since choices have to be made in the process of finalising the plans. We are here to decide all of this and retain the best for your event.


Event Management會展管理產業是近年來觀光旅遊產業快速成長的一部分,本中心的宗旨在於教育及訓練人才來滿足國際會展產業的就業需求。現今會展產業涵蓋的範圍很多:婚禮籌劃、會議策劃、研討會、展覽、商展等…,因此專業的籌辦會展人才須具備廣泛的知識,例如:金融、經營概念及管理層面上的相關知識等…,為了使每位學生能達到專業標準,本中心將全力配合協助學生的學習狀況。

Our Mission

Our mission is to educate and train the future event professional for the demanding yet rewarding events industry internationally. The events industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the travel and tourism industry. Today’s events industry comprises numerous categories of events, weddings, conventions, conferences, exhibitions, trade fares and many more.
The meeting professionals of today needs to acquire a diverse range of knowledge from financial, operational, managerial etc… In order to guide them through such skills, this website helps in many ways.

資料來源: (學校官網) http://www.theleadingevents.com/



Lincoln Education
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