《瑞士》恭喜傑出校友-Jerry He

2013 6 7 HTMI NEWS.

來自台灣元培大學學生 Jerry He 於2013年獲德學校錄取資格,到瑞士HTMi飯店管理大學求學及實習,在瑞士HTMi 廚藝表現精湛,當年6月7日時就取得在HTMi舉辦廚藝畢業展競賽冠軍

Graduation !!!!!

Thank you my dear Chef Andy
Teach me more culinary things ~~

Also thank you my dear classmates give me the suggest ~~

So let me get the championship

 Thank you guys !!
And good luck for your internship

















同年10月時, 經過HTMi推薦至瑞士知名1顆米其林餐廳 The Restaurant Les Trois Couronnes錄取實習, 完成實習 Jerry 有機會繼續留在餐廳擔任廚師.


 HTMi Career Centre News – Michelin Star Restaurant Switzerland





News from Switzerland. Jerry He completed Baking and Pastry course last spring semester and now he works in Restaurant Les Trois Couronnes (Vevey) as kitchen trainee. Popa Dan (Diploma) did an excellent job before Jerry, that is why the company hired another internship student from HTMi. Work hard, be excellent that is how you can open doors for others and make everybody be proud of You.The Restaurant Les Trois Couronnes has been awarded it’s first star in the Swiss guide Michelin 2013. Jerry has opportunity to work with a Michelin star chef, chef Lionel Rodriguez. And we are sure that this experience is going to help him with his further career.

More information about Restaurant Les Trois Couronnes

HTMi Career Office Message

“Todo depende del còmo, y elcòmo sòlo depende de ti.”
“Everything depends on how you do it and “how” only depends on you.”


Yours sincerely
Krisztina Nemeth (MIT)
Tuende Bausz, HTMi Career Centre Manager, October 2013














Jerry He and Larry Chen參加2015年 Chaine de Rottiseurs 廚藝競賽,表現優異,求學的歷程可說是異常精彩 !