台灣學生 Jerry He 獲瑞士米其淋餐廳實習機會

恭禧!台灣學生 Mr. Jerry He 被瑞士知名米其淋星級餐廳(The Restaurant Les Trois Couronnes)錄取實習機會。Jerry 在瑞士 HTMi 從 2013年1月起就讀一年烘焙與點心課程(Baking and Pastry course)至2014年1月;其中6個月在瑞士知名的米其林星級餐廳(The Restaurant Les Trois Couronnes)支薪實習。恭禧 Jerry優異的表現。


News from Switzerland. Jerry He completed Baking and Pastry course last spring semester and now he works in Restaurant Les Trois Couronnes (Vevey) as kitchen trainee. Popa Dan (Diploma) did an excellent job before Jerry, that is why the company hired another internship student from HTMi. Work hard, be excellent that is how you can open doors for others and make everybody be proud of You.

The Restaurant Les Trois Couronnes has been awarded it’s first star in the Swiss guide Michelin 2013. Jerry has opportunity to work with a Michelin star chef, chef Lionel Rodriguez. And we are sure that this experience is going to help him with his further career.